The Healthy Everythingtarian

finding a better balance in exercise, food and life

So long, fair well… August 30, 2009

Filed under: fun finds — Holly @ 19:27

…auf wiedersein goodbye!  And hello to:

Blog your roll accordingly, Google your reader appropriately, mark that book correctly, and head on over to the newly revamped site.

See you there 🙂


18 Miles Later…


...this is what I looked like.

It ain’t pretty, but it’s real.

18.15 miles.  2 hours 55 minutes. 9:30 minutes/mile.  Booyah.

A high protein, carbful post-run snack made me look feel slightly better…


Janetha C.C. Ranch Mix, beets + farmer's market plums

Actually, if I am going to be honest with y’all, the run was awesome.  Long, but awesome.  Honestly.  I think since I work out best in the afternoon; going to the farmer’s market in the morning, eating breakfast and then heading out at 1:30pm was like the miracle formula.  The 6 Cran-Razz Clif Shot Bloks I took throughout the run probably helped too.

(P.S. I LOVE how everyone thought the banana was an ice cream cone…ice cream in the mornin’? Heck yah.)

snacks at the grocery store (which were BOTH free - all hail coupon cutting!)

snacks at the grocery store (which were BOTH free - all hail coupon cutting!)

After the run, I tried to eat intuitively; not shove down massive calories because I could (which, don’t get me wrong, was reallllyyyy tempting…).  And it worked!  I would eat, usually feel full for an hour or two then was massively hungry again. Vroom, vroom metabolism!

For dindin, I whipped up a lil’ somethang with my farmer’s market finds

bed of mixed greens
zucchini + roma tomato (sauteed in EVOO + garlic)
lemon basil
lotsa parmigiano reggiano goodness
a side of 7-grain Kashi crackers


grilled veggie salad with Kashis

Plus, a post-dinner handful of Kashis.  Those things are ridiculously good.

And a dessert a la this girl and that girl

85% dark choc + AB

85% dark choc + AB

Then, being the wild n’ crazy grandma I am, I met up with my fabulous friend Brett for dranks (two Spotted Cow beers to be exact) then went dancing (and played wingwoman for him) at the local gay bar.  I<3 gay men.  Ummm…best. time. in a long time.  If you say dancing after running 18 miles, I am still there.  Good times were had, and I was in bed by 1am.  Perf.

This morning, I had breakfast in bed…

1 cup Stonyfield BaNilla yog
sprinkle o’ flax
sprinkle o’ almond meal
1/2 cup raspberries
1/4 cup Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon cereal


refreshing + delicious

Now I am sitting at a local coffeeshop, swiggin’ my cuppa joe and enjoying the gorgey day.  Happy Sunday 🙂

Are you a coupon cutter? I never used to be, but now I love it!!!


Home August 29, 2009

Filed under: breakfast,fun finds — Holly @ 12:52
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There are certain places in a gal’s life that no matter where she is in the world, feel like home.

My “homey” places are: (1) Target (obv) and (2) farmer’s markets.  I could be in the middle of Ulan Bator, Mongolia but hell, if there’s a Target or farmer’s market to be had, it would feel just like good ol’ Minnesota.  Since I hit up Tarjay last night, naturally this morning was the perfect time for the Dane County Farmer’s Market.

I am going to let the pictures do the talkin’…

starting with a naner + camera shy coffee

starting with a naner + camera shy coffee


Vegan Blueberry Oatmeal Scone


fresh veg


radish love


peeps making their way around the square


home-baked breads


fresh flowers - the gorge dahlia I couldn't resist buying

ethical meat up in herre

ethical meat up in herre

sea berries (I totally had to Wikipedia these)

sea berries (I totally had to Wikipedia these)


my loot: plums, dahlia, Japanese eggplant, red potatoes, roma tomatoes, orange pepper, raspberries, zucchini + lemon basil

pre-run fuel: white bagel with buttah

pre-run fuel: white bagel with buttah

Off to run 18 miles – I don’t have pride, wish me all the luck you can.


Change of Plans August 28, 2009

Filed under: breakfast,dinner,eating out,lunch — Holly @ 19:39
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The original plan to run 18 miles tonight and head MN for the State Fair tomorrow? Scrapped.

New plan? Save money by chillin’ in Madtown, cross thangs off my to-do list, peruse the Farmer’s Market tomorrow morn and run 18 miles in the 60 degree weather in the afternoon.

Perhaps, not overly exciting, but my wallet is bowing down to me in thanks.  He couldn’t take much more abuse.


Sprouted spelt toast, mushed banana, AB + cinnamon and a glass o' skim milk

snackin' on strawbs

snackin' on strawbs

Friday also means “Fun Lunch Friday” a.k.a. we hummed and hawed before finally decided on a cute lil’ spot called Hawk’s on La Calle de Estado. Think yummy bar + grill food.


Veggie Portabella Mushroom Sandwich + Spicy Chipotle Corn Chowder (with an uber-classy Saltine cracker garnish)

Then, we all decided we were still hungry.  Enter in one of my fave ice cream shops ever:


they don't mess around.


Coconut Almond Breeze (coconut ice cream, chocolate chunks, almonds)

Drool. How I managed to go back to the office after that dish of heaven is beyond me – I was even uber-productive.  And it’s Friday.  That’s not normal.

At 5pm, I skedaddled home, ate a small bowl of cereal to tide me over and went to Tarjay for the 2nd Friday night in a row.  My coolness factor is skyrocketing by the minute.  However, I stuck to my list (shocking, I know!) and had to grab some goods to make this:


cottage cheese, garbanzos, Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning (very important - MUST be Hidden Valley) + sunflower seeds

Ever since I saw this protein-loaded concoction on my gal Janetha’s blog, I’ve been meaning to try it!  Shooo…that girl knows what is up – it was delish!  I happen to ❤ ranch dressing with a yearning, burning passion so this was right up my alley.  Next time, I think I will throw some veg in.  Mad props Queen of Meals and Moves.  Mad props.

Topped off with some of Wisconsin’s finest…

...corn on the cob that is!

...corn on the cob that is!

My to-do list for this rockin’ Friday evening:

  • Paint bathroom mirror trim
  • Clean the oven
  • Wrap up the rest of the giveaway packages to send out
  • Bloggy thangs (let’s just say it involves technology, and me and technology don’t always get along)
  • Read “Time Traveler’s Wife”

Alright Holly, let’s try and actually be productive tonight…

P.S. It’s a sad day for all us Jim Halpert/John Krasinski lovers…he’s officially off the market.  I also now officially hate Emily Blunt.


Mondo This and That August 27, 2009

Filed under: dinner,lunch,Thai,this and that — Holly @ 21:24
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Alright kids, hold onto your britches because we got a big one coming your way! Since there has been no “This and That” post this week, I am going to weave it into today’s.  So please, follow along (if you can).

First and foremost, I need to thank y’all for your “get out of a funk” suggestions yesterday.  Even though I’m not feeling completely out of the hunches yet, I just got back from a 3 mile run + yoga and am feeling lots better. Amazing what a lil’ endorphin rush can do, no?

Brekkie went unphotographed because I was inhaling my Barbara’s Vanilla Almond Shredded Oatmeal + skim milk plus a naner + AB as I was walking out the door.  Funny thing is, I wasn’t late for work.


Listen up peeps, this is how we do,
Delish dot com has some sammie ideas too.
I know y’all need some inspiration,
so pack up your lunch boxes for a meal celebration!

I was def a lil’ funkalicious throughout the day today, including splaying myself on the floor in our office.  Suddenly, our co-worker came barging in with a metal jousting helmet on and scared the bejeezus out of all of us.  Yes, a guy that works down the hall is a legit medieval times jouster.  No lie.

Lunchie was leftovers from last night’s Veggie Thai Red Curry


mmmm, mmmm good!

and some bluebs just for good measure

and some bluebs just for good measure


Miss Special K only treats us kind,
encouraging us to share yourself and mind.
Head on over to swap some goodies,
and share the love with all your fellow foodies!

After the red curry, I think the spiciness upset my tum-tum a bit so I dug into my snack a bit early…


Chocolate Brownie PURE Bar (smaller than a business card - fo reals)

I know, I really need to get over the size of these bars.  However, the flavor? AMAZING.


My snacky lil’ girl with the fabulous face,
is VegTastic and leaving her fave place.
She giving away some uber-awesome schtuff,
so head on over because Kailey’s off the cuff!

Later in the afternoon, I let my funk get the best of me, and I dived (or dove?) into a handful of these…


Milk fave candy eva.

A handful of Raisinets might have also entered my mouth. And I’ve been reminded, some sour watermelon slices.


My new fave blog has the biggest prize,
Jessie’s got a Vita-Mix – ain’t no lie.
Enter now for this magic machine,
smoothies, sauces and goods – you will gleen!

After gorging myself on sugar and on the verge of a fructose coma, I finished up the day and walked my buns home. Then I threw on my running gear, ran 1.5 miles to the gym, sweated out with a 75 minute yoga sesh (FULL of downward dogs + chaturangas = sore arms) and ran 1 mile home.

Then I devoured the most delicious bowl of yog eva!


Plain Chobani, mushed naner, buttloads of cinnamon, Vanilla Almond squares + raw AB

After dindin, I had a phone date with our fave Brit Angharad and now I gots to shower, clean this place up and hit the hay.


My bloggy changes are comin’ soon,
so don’t go leaving to rocket to the moon.
I promise the same stuff with a bit o’ sass,
peace out and much love from this g-ma lass!


Whoooooooo whooooooooo!


Weird Wednesday August 26, 2009

So if yesterday’s word of the day was “iffy,” today’s is “weird.”

I don’t know what’s going on peeps – has the sinus infection gone to my brain and is secretly screwing with the world? Today was plain and simply…weird. I felt weird, feel weird and work today, well…we acted like total weird-os (including a rendition of the Cha-Cha Slide in our office a.k.a. the classic wedding dance song).

Brekkie today was a new cereal I bought. Barbara (creator of our fave PB Puffins) has these Vanilla Almond Shredded Oat Squares and well, they tasted kinda weird.  Not bad, just weird.


Barbara's Vanilla Almond Shredded Oats, skim milk + naner

Sarah’s Breakfast Challenge? Check.

Thursday: Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt + strawberries & AB+J sammie

Friday: Overnight Oats

Saturday: Plain bagel + bit o’ buttah

Sunday: Classic Bowl of Hot Oatmeal

Monday: Surprisingly Delicious Savory Oats

Tuesday: Breakfast Cookie a la Fitnessista

Shoutout to Sarah for coming up with a challenge to make us all step outside the box (or bowl, whichever you prefer). The biggest surprise? The savory oats – I was totes scared to try them, but they were delish!

Snackage included an Apple Cinnamon PURE Bar (my fave flav so far) while lunch included more wrappage…


Hummus Avocado Ezekiel Wrap, kohlrabi + applesauce

A couple of you dudes asked what the heck kohlrabi is. Well, technically our friend kohlrabi is in the cabbage family and looks something like this…

Jellyfish?  Sprouted brain?  Paper weight?

Jellyfish? Sprouted brain? Paper weight?

When you trim off the tops and outside skin, the inside looks like somewhat like a radish – white, translucent and uber-crunchy.  It’s the perfect (weird) snack food!

Mid-afternoon snack was the usual, plus a DC to try and get me out of this funk.  Yeah, the DC didn’t work.  I only felt nauseous after drinking it.


Pomegranate Chobs + strawberries (and Diet Coke)

On the way homesky from worksky, I mapped out my weekly running sched.  Since I will be back in Minnesota this weekend, I think I am going to change my long 18 mile run (eeeeek, 18 friggin’ miles!) to Friday so I can have all day on Saturday to go to the MN State Fair (2nd largest in the country) and chow down on my top 3 fair foods: cheese curds, corn on the cob and Sweet Martha’s Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Yeah, it’s definitely going to be a greasefest, in which I will love every minute.

So, back to the story, I needed to run 9 miles tonight but instead, I am going to run 4.  That’s if I can get my butt out the door because this weirdness has me all up in a funk.  I know running will help, but tell that to my body who might need to be shoved, kicked and thrown out the door for encouragement.

When I got home, I should have just gone right away and ran but instead, I started dinner.  Shoutout to my girl April – the purple pepper is for you!


cut-up veggies ready for some red curry love


Veggie Red Thai Curry over brown rice

Ooh, before I forget, Michelle asked if there was a reason I bought expeller-pressed canola oil instead of just plain ol’ canola.  Always a reason, and here it is: expeller-pressed means there are no chemicals used in extraction.  This often results in a lower percentage of oil than using other methods requiring chemicals (which is why many companies DON’T do it).

Enough of my procrastinating and complaining right?  Weird is no excuse to skip marathon training!

Help! How do YOU get out of a funk? Usually I work out, but you know how that is going right now…


Boring Is Not So Bad August 25, 2009

Filed under: breakfast,dinner,lunch,reviews — Holly @ 20:31
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Ever have one of those days where nothing really happens…you just go about your day and nothing is out of the ordinary spectacular or bad?  That was today para mi.

It started out with a delicious breakfast cookie, courtesy of our fave sista of fitness:

1/2 cup oats
2 tbsp. hemp protein powder
1 heaping tbsp. raw AB
2 tbsp. shredded coconut
1/4 cup skim milk
1 sliced banana


a breakfast cookie is always a star

I don’t know what it is, but these just don’t fill me up!  Suriously, I was hungry like 3 hours later. I even did some nutrish calculating to see if I was getting enough sustenance…well, about 500 cals, 15 grams of protein and lotsa fiber should fill a gal up for reals!

Followed up with a yummy mid-morning PURE bar I won in Kristin’s giveaway, which I snarfed before my meeting (because it was one of those meetings where you are not sure how long it will last).

Cranberry Orange PURE Bar

Cranberry Orange PURE Bar

Lunchie was banana-ful as well as tomater-ful…


AB+B quesadilla with buttloads of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey

cherry tomatoes

cherry tomatoes

More work, planning, writing and my fave mid-afternoon snack of choice: Greek yog + fruit.


Blueb Chob + bluebs

If I had to pick a lowlight of the day, this would be it.  I maybe drank like 1/6 of it – sorry POM, I normally love your juice but this tea was NOT cutting it.  I wasn’t even going to offer it to a co-worker.  That’s how much I did not like it.

POMx Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea - not so good...

POMx Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea - yeah, not so good...

At 5pm, I skedaddled home and out the door for a 6 mile run.  Done in just under an hour, it didn’t feel awesome but didn’t feel bad either.  See what kind of humdrum iffy day I am having?

Fortunately, dinner was anything but iffy.  In fact, it was sooo good and sooo satisfying!  Dindin hit the spot while watching The Office online, featuring the King of TWSS himself.  Michael Scott is probs my 2nd favorite character…Kevin is my first.  I can’t help it, everytime he does Kool-Aid man I seriously wet myself.  For the record however, I will one day become Mrs. Jim Halpert (or preferably, Mrs. John Krasinski).


Amy's Indian Spinach Tofu Wrap, grilled zucchini, cucumbers + TJ's three layer hummus

I guess if I consider a day like this boring….boring ain’t so bad.


I Know We’ve Come So Far (But We Got So Far to Go) August 24, 2009

Filed under: breakfast,dinner,recipes,seriousness — Holly @ 20:06
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I’ve been doing lots of contemplating over the past few days. That’s what happens when (a) I am sick and have too much time on my hands, and (b) I have too much time on my hands.  Queen of over-analyzing right here.  My mom likes to say that I always need some kind of drama in my life.  But what does she know…

Since I got my handsome new computer, I’ve been meaning to take all the stuff off my old computer and put it on to the new babealicious one.  Going through my old Word files, I found a bucket list I made at the beginning of college:


“Things to Do Before I Turn 30”  (which scarily enough, isn’t that far away!)

  • Swim with dolphins
  • Go skydiving  2006: Cairns, Australia
  • Study abroad  2004: London, England
  • Backpack around Europe  2007: England, Germany, Austria + France
  • Be on The Price is Right
  • Visit NYC + Los Angeles  2003: LA, 2008: NYC
  • Graduate from college  2007: Graduated w/ honors, BA Journalism
  • Learn photography
  • Be on a reality TV show
  • Take an unplanned road trip
  • Be an actress (in some way)  2006: Was the voiceover in a friend’s movie for film class
  • Live in a foreign country  2007-2008: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Steal a golf cart
  • Stay home and watch movies all day
  • Sleep under the stars  2004: Haversford West, Wales (with a babealicious dude next to me ;))
  • Eat everything and anything I want for a day  Many a day, many a day
  • Just be happy

This is the condensed version (the list was about twice as long as this – yes, I have the mind of a dreamer).  But looking at it, I often forget just how much of this I have already accomplished.  Sometimes, I forget to give myself credit for all the things I HAVE done.

So often we focus on what we haven’t done…ummm, I didn’t work out today!  Ughhh, why didn’t I eat the salad instead of that monster plate of pasta?  Shucks, why didn’t I take a chance and just say yes?

If you take anything away from this post, please take a moment and focus on all the good things you have or have done.  Because chances are, you’ve done a lot more than you give yourself credit for.  Case in point…

one of the most awesome things i've EVER done.

one of the most awesome things i've EVER done.


that cap and gown is fo real peeps.


told ya we backpacked - Frankfurt, Germany train station


turkey avocado sammie: the best sammie in the world from London's most hole-in-the-wall sammie shop


my house in Thailand...Mooban Buntarik (that's the name of my 'hood)

Yes, my list is heavily travel-focused (I channel Liz Gilbert when I say traveling may be the, “…the one true love of my life.”), but that is just me.  I’m sure everyone’s list will look completely different – heck, there are a couple things I would love to even add to the list:

  • Become fluent in Spanish
  • Pay off my credit card(s)
  • Live in the present (as much fun as planning future trips are…)

Take a moment, think of the good thangs and hold onto that positive love 🙂


The food is going to be highlight pics only (a.k.a. not all pictured), since this post got longer than intended – oops!


surprising delicious savory oats - oats, parm cheese, salsa + two eggs


ChocChip Trail Mix PURE Bar (alongside my celly, just to see that indeed, they are a bit small)

Pom Chobani + blueberries = berry heaven.

Pom Chobani + blueberries = berry heaven.


more Coconut-Crusted Tempeh Island Salad (check recipes for the link!)

and what is that?  a flower in my salad :)

and what is that? a flower in my salad 🙂

Alright, you knew this was coming…

What’s one awesome thing you’ve accomplished on your bucket list?  

Also, what is one thing you still have yet to accomplish?  Skydiving is probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever done, and one thing I really, really want to do is pay off my credit cards.  I know, lame.  Once they’re paid off, then I will go to Argentina.


In true K-style,

“I Know We’ve Come So Far (But We Got So Far to Go)” – Hairspray


And the winners are…

Filed under: giveaway — Holly @ 08:00

You people are the best limerick writers.  Hands down.

I literally laughed my way through reading each and every one of them.  Seriously…if you need a good laugh, click here and read. Classic.


Our first winner is #58 Holly (fabulous name!) who wrote:

“I think that PB&J would be so yummy.
I’d like it to be happy in my tummy.
Holly– look, we share that name.
And our layout is nearly the same.
Oh, PB & J Larabar I will unwrap you like a mummy!!!”


Next up, #15 and one of my fave gals, Miss Ellie from Inside I’m Still Dancing, who rhymed:

“There once was a fruit called cherry
which was SO much more than a berry
It got smooshed with some nuts
well, legume- no ‘buts!)
and made my stomach merry!”


And finally, two-time Healthy Everythingtarian giveaway winner, #4: Lynn from The Actor’s Diet!

“here i am trying to rhyme
to win some bars that are sublime
the pb and j
make me go hey
and i won’t even spend a dime”


Send me your mailing info at, and those Laras will be all yours!  Trust me, you are going to want to eat these ASAP.

Happy Monday y’all!


Close-Ups August 23, 2009

Dudes…Sunday night, again?  Suriously.

Well, let’s see in the last 24 hours, I’ve really been diggin’ the extremo close-up food shots (hence post title).  When I left y’all last night, I was just about to make this fabulous dinner…

1 handful mixed greens
2 leeks, 1/4 green pep, 1/4 onion + 2 kale leaves
(sauteed in EVOO, balsamic + garlic)
1/2 grilled zucchini
1 tbsp. sunflower seeds
drizzle of balsamic vinegar 

grilled veggie salad

grilled balsamic veggie salad

Do grill marks make anyone else happy? And, is anyone else’s salad not complete without sunflower seeds?

Topped off with this showstopper…


AB frosting atop a German Chocolate Lara (which tastes A LOT like the Chocolate Coconut one)

Lara has a tendency to steal the spotlight.

After dindin, I fell asleep from 7:30 to 11:30pm  got on my clubbin’ gear (fishnets + flourescent pink butt dress) and booty-danced the night away until 2am.

Yeah, that’s right.  Between the 15 mile run + allergies, I was toast.  I slept for 4 hours, woke up at 11:30pm to find 1 missed call + 2 text messages (this never happens), watched 4 episodes of Arrested Development free on MSN and ate a bowl of PB Puffins + skim milk before calling it a night for the 2nd time.

At 8am this morning, I woke up refreshed and ready to dive in for a classic bowl of oats…

1/2 cup oats
1 cup water
1 mashed naner
buttloads of cinnamon
hunk(s) o’ almond buttah 


day 4 of Sarah's breakfast challenge? check.

I devoured this baby alongside another large mug of green tea + Emergen-C packet.  Allergies…you will NOT win!

Then I walked to a 9:30am 75-minute Go With the Flow Yoga class.  Holy standing splits.  It was just was just what my muscles, brain and body needed.  I need to get back on the yoga train…it always feels soooo good! (TWSS?)

I munched on a Blueberry PURE Bar + POMx Wildberry White Tea when I got home.  Many of you have asked how I liked both products.  I LIKE both, but I have two mayjuh issues: (1) PURE bars = small – sometimes I need a bit o’ quantity.  (2) I mentioned this in the last post, the tea is erythritol + fructose sweetened – read to find out what that’s all about.

Then I went to 3 (yes, 3) grocery stores to stock up on the goods…

First stop, Trader Joe’s.  Key purchases include:

  • TJ’s raw almond butter
  • Thai Red Curry sauce
  • 3-grain tempeh
  • almond meal

Next stop on the train…Whole Foods!

  • expeller-pressed canola oil
  • 5 for $5.00 Chobani Greek yogurt (that’s highway robbery!)
  • lunchtime sushi

my fave tuna avocado brown rice roll

Last stop, I walked to my local co-op where I purchased ALL locally-grown, organic produce (minus the avocados + bananas).

  • mixed greens
  • zucchini
  • kohlrabi
  • cucumber
  • organic skim milk

Damn Gina, I spent too much money!  However, a lot of stuff was stock-up thangs (I purchased more than outlined above) that I will eventually need.  End of story.

When I got home, I grabbed a Runner’s World mag my mom gave me and a Whole Foods mag to snuggle in my bed and read while I ate this:

Chobani plain Greek yog + PB Puffins + 1 mashed naner

Chobani plain Greek yog + PB Puffins + 1 mashed naner

Then I took an hour long nap.  You know I am sick if I take a nap.  I NEVER take naps.

Sometimes I consider myself more of a “slapdash cook” – one who throws random ingredients together hoping it will turn out because they don’t really know real technique.  Then there are days I just surprise myself by creating things like Coconut-Crusted Tempeh Island Salad.




more stellarness.

Enough of the food close-ups, I’m ready for MY close-up Mr. DeMille…