The Healthy Everythingtarian

finding a better balance in exercise, food and life

Weird Wednesday August 26, 2009

So if yesterday’s word of the day was “iffy,” today’s is “weird.”

I don’t know what’s going on peeps – has the sinus infection gone to my brain and is secretly screwing with the world? Today was plain and simply…weird. I felt weird, feel weird and work today, well…we acted like total weird-os (including a rendition of the Cha-Cha Slide in our office a.k.a. the classic wedding dance song).

Brekkie today was a new cereal I bought. Barbara (creator of our fave PB Puffins) has these Vanilla Almond Shredded Oat Squares and well, they tasted kinda weird.  Not bad, just weird.


Barbara's Vanilla Almond Shredded Oats, skim milk + naner

Sarah’s Breakfast Challenge? Check.

Thursday: Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt + strawberries & AB+J sammie

Friday: Overnight Oats

Saturday: Plain bagel + bit o’ buttah

Sunday: Classic Bowl of Hot Oatmeal

Monday: Surprisingly Delicious Savory Oats

Tuesday: Breakfast Cookie a la Fitnessista

Shoutout to Sarah for coming up with a challenge to make us all step outside the box (or bowl, whichever you prefer). The biggest surprise? The savory oats – I was totes scared to try them, but they were delish!

Snackage included an Apple Cinnamon PURE Bar (my fave flav so far) while lunch included more wrappage…


Hummus Avocado Ezekiel Wrap, kohlrabi + applesauce

A couple of you dudes asked what the heck kohlrabi is. Well, technically our friend kohlrabi is in the cabbage family and looks something like this…

Jellyfish?  Sprouted brain?  Paper weight?

Jellyfish? Sprouted brain? Paper weight?

When you trim off the tops and outside skin, the inside looks like somewhat like a radish – white, translucent and uber-crunchy.  It’s the perfect (weird) snack food!

Mid-afternoon snack was the usual, plus a DC to try and get me out of this funk.  Yeah, the DC didn’t work.  I only felt nauseous after drinking it.


Pomegranate Chobs + strawberries (and Diet Coke)

On the way homesky from worksky, I mapped out my weekly running sched.  Since I will be back in Minnesota this weekend, I think I am going to change my long 18 mile run (eeeeek, 18 friggin’ miles!) to Friday so I can have all day on Saturday to go to the MN State Fair (2nd largest in the country) and chow down on my top 3 fair foods: cheese curds, corn on the cob and Sweet Martha’s Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Yeah, it’s definitely going to be a greasefest, in which I will love every minute.

So, back to the story, I needed to run 9 miles tonight but instead, I am going to run 4.  That’s if I can get my butt out the door because this weirdness has me all up in a funk.  I know running will help, but tell that to my body who might need to be shoved, kicked and thrown out the door for encouragement.

When I got home, I should have just gone right away and ran but instead, I started dinner.  Shoutout to my girl April – the purple pepper is for you!


cut-up veggies ready for some red curry love


Veggie Red Thai Curry over brown rice

Ooh, before I forget, Michelle asked if there was a reason I bought expeller-pressed canola oil instead of just plain ol’ canola.  Always a reason, and here it is: expeller-pressed means there are no chemicals used in extraction.  This often results in a lower percentage of oil than using other methods requiring chemicals (which is why many companies DON’T do it).

Enough of my procrastinating and complaining right?  Weird is no excuse to skip marathon training!

Help! How do YOU get out of a funk? Usually I work out, but you know how that is going right now…


39 Responses to “Weird Wednesday”

  1. leianna Says:

    Love the diet, I’m an addict of it too, even though it never helps. To get out of a funk I run!
    When you said you like corn on the cob at the Fair are you talkingabout the Corn Roast because my mom is REALLY good friends with owner, my brother worked there for years and we always get free tickets for that. Too bad you aren’t going on Sunday, when I am I would give you some free tickets for the best corn ever! Cheese curds and Marthas are great too!

  2. Mia {runs and rests} Says:

    Whoa, lotsa weird stuff out there. 😀 Kohlrabi is radish alien. Hahaha. Running helps me unfunk stuff.

  3. Jenny Says:

    ugh sorry about your funk-a-lunk honeybear! hope thursday treat ya kindly!

    love youuuuu xo

  4. Your office sounds really fun!!!
    I hope you have a fab time at the fair, can’t wait to hear about it…not sure if I will make it this year or not!?

  5. Pam Says:

    oh I was in a bit of a funk too! It’s the worst. I don’t have any great advice but I just MADE myself go out and I started to feel better.

    Hang in there!

  6. Lizzy Says:

    You’ll get outta this funk i’m sure girl! no worries! Def a good idea to run, but to cut back a bit, def don’t wanna over push it love!!!!

    try and get some rest, hopefully that’ll help! night babes! 🙂

  7. psychoj1 Says:

    Sorry you’re in a funk! I get like that too sometimes! Totes (;) ) understand! Mmm loving your eats!
    ❤ jess

  8. jenngirl Says:

    At least your day was full of alliteration???…

    When I’m feelin’ funky, I usually look around me and see if anything has changed. Change freaks me out, and sometimes it’s helpful to address if that’s the case, and then get back on track with some comforting, familiar activities…think blog reading, crossword puzzles, reading books, making comfort foods…

    Hope your run went well!

  9. Alison Says:

    I had an equally weird day. Except mine was self inflicted. Blogging about it seems to help.

  10. Thanks for the shoutout girly! 😀 I’m so glad you enjoyed the Breakfast Challenge!!

    I get those weird days too. Actually I get weird weeks sometimes…eeks! Usually what helps is doing something totally different and unexpected. I’ll randomly go check out a new coffee spot. Or hang out with a friend I haven’t seen in ages. Or I run.

    But sometimes it just takes a good night’s rest to wake up feeling refreshed and better by the morning. 😀 Hope you’re feeling back to normal soon!!!

  11. Matt Says:

    I think we all go through funks. It will pass; just give it time.

  12. Evan Thomas Says:

    I clean when I’m feeling stress, funky, whatever not-so-good. The sense of organization really helps me even if it isn’t what was throwing me off to begin with.

  13. Erica Says:

    hahaha- you did the cha cha slide at work? Thats awesome.

    Love applesauce with lunchy- I eat it pretty much every work day.

    Wow- 18 miles! That is incredible.

    Yummy looking veggie filled dinner!

    A good deal of rest and a nice workout usually helps get me out of a funk!

    Have a good night

  14. strawberries and pomegranate chobani sounds amazing!

  15. kaitruns Says:

    the wonderful fair cuisine…nothing will out do that chocolate covered bacon though

  16. lowandbhold Says:

    Wow I did NOT know that about canola spray. You’re such a smartie 😉

    Sorry you had a weird day. I’m willing to bed that run put you right back on track though.

    And I’m pretty sure you can eat the whole damn fair after an 18 mile run!

  17. WholeBodyLove Says:

    I hope this doesn’t sound condescending: I am a strong believer that if a girl wants some part of her life or attitude to change badly enough…she will find a way to change it. She may need to try a new type of workout or spend time with an old friend. But, there is something that you may know deep down will make you feel…well, more like you again 😉

  18. broccolihut Says:

    Well damn, purple food usually makes me feel pretty chipper. Hmmm maybe go grocery shopping? That’s my answer to everything.

  19. Tay Says:

    Awww girlfriend I’m sorry you’re in a funk mood. Hope you get out of it ASAP! I dug the breakfast challenge so much – such a great idea!! Everyone rocked it.

  20. Weirdness/funks all round blogosphere, it seems! Hope you made it out for your run and that it helped clear things up a bit. I just posted my ideas 😀

  21. uncle tommie timbertoes Says:

    Speaking of “if” and “wierd”. We know you are hot, right, no disputing that. Well, if you married a guy with a last name of Peenya, you’d be a “hot Holly Peenya”. That’s wierd. Makes me hungary for a taco.

  22. justine Says:

    Sorry for the funk girl. Hope you are ding better today! The Wilson county fair is going on here and its the 50th biggest fair. hahaha. I love the Wisconsin fair!! I miss it so much. I used to go all the time as a kid. Cheese sticks anyone???? Man I swear every blog I have looked at today has had curry for dinner. I need to jump on this bandwagon!!


  23. ksgoodeats Says:

    After YEARS and YEARS of hearing the cha cha slide at weddings/dances/formals I still have no idea what I’m doing. It just doesn’t make sense to me!

    Savory oats are the best, aren’t the?! I’m obsessed. Woah, never heard of a kohlrabi! How do I get out of a funk? Either shop or sleep – haha, I don’t have any productive tips 😉

  24. Faith Says:

    Love the purple pepper, I’ve never seen that before! To get out of a funk I try to get some fresh air, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

  25. ive been meaning to try that cereal

    i heart me some puffins, so i would hope those would live up to them. i guess i will just have to break down and spend the loot to buy a box!

    lunch looked yummers!

  26. Angharad Says:

    You did the cha-cha slide at work. Reason # 23,45872 that I think I love you.

    Girlie – the Laras arrived!!! Thank you so so much. Bout to email you. AND I have set aside time to call you tonight – will explain why in email.

    AND I am hoping I still get to see you on Friday!!

    Furthermore, I am so sorry you are in a funk. I hate funks. Normally if I’m in a funk all week it takes getting to the weekend to snap out of it. Nothing like cheese curds to solve all your woes. Also – you just moved apartment, city and job – that’s a big change! Not surprising that you wouldn’t immediately feel your normal happy lovely self. You’ll get there but you probs need time to re-settle. Just my 2 cents.

    Much love xxx

  27. Susan Says:

    Ugh, what is up with funky moods lately? I’ve been in one too. Exercise helps me too, but life is so hectic round these parts I’m not on my usual sked. Right now, I’ve got a list of things I’m looking forward to and just keep reminding myself of it. Today may be kinda sucky, but hey, tomorrow has got to be better! 🙂

  28. brandi Says:

    that kohlrabi looks crazy!

    and 18 miles? I can’t even fathom. You’ll do awesome and those cheese curds and cookies will be SO Great the day after that run 🙂

    get out of a funk? I usually just laze around on the couch, truth be told. I am lazy. Or do something fun, dance to your favorite music, read a good book.

  29. janetha Says:

    if you consider this rendition of eats a funk then count me in. that radish looking thing is nuts! what does it taste like? a radish? or like cabbage? or like ice cream? (i hope) 18 miles in intense. like boy scouts, or the circus. good luck with that. I LOVE THE STATE FAIR i wish we were going together! i am so into it! that cereal looks a lot like quaker oat squares and also like something i would love, but then again i never met a cereal i didn’t like (well, raisin bran, but i pick out the raisins and love the bran). xo!

  30. Katharina Says:

    I LOVE kohlrabi. My dad use to make it a lot when I lived in Germany 😀

    I don’t think I got to comment your post a couple days ago – but you’re such a vibrant and exciting person. I remember when I first started reading your blog and you automatically made me smile. Keep shining, girl!

  31. ugh, i’m in my own little funk (ear infection? migraine?) i’ve decided that tons ‘o sleep and lots of cereal is the cure.

    good luck with all the running, lady. the middle part of marathon training is the toughest, but also the most rewarding! and what better way to reward yourself than oodles of fair food…mmmm! when i lived in PA, i loved getting fresh apple dumplings and cinnamon ice cream from the Bloomsburg Fair. Delish!

  32. keunger Says:

    That curry rice combo looks oh so fantastic. We have a 20 lb. bag of rice in our pantry (a weird compulsive moment at costco) So, I am always looking for rice recipes!

    Good luck beating the funk – exercise is usually my cure, too – but some days that just won’t do, and I have to go to bed.

  33. traveleatlove Says:

    The other night wine and sushi and doing absolutely nothing got me out of my funk. Work the next day put me back in!
    I love doing my long runs on Friday nights! So nice to have the weekend to sleep and eat!

  34. April (Foods of April) Says:

    I can’t believe the state fair is coming already! I have to be honest.. I LOVE funnel cake! Now if only I could run 18 miles.. 😉

    And woohoo for the purple tato! Except was that one purple on the inside?

    and thanks for the info on that veggie! I’ve never seen or heard of it in my life! However I do love my veggies so I’m going to keep an eye out!

    I missed your blog while I was gone! Is that weird? lol

    • Holly Says:

      it’s a purple pepper, and i immediately thought of you when i bought it. thanks for being such a delightful reader – lotsa love 🙂

  35. I had totally forgotten about kohlrabi!!! Now I’ll have to get some…

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