The Healthy Everythingtarian

finding a better balance in exercise, food and life

I Know We’ve Come So Far (But We Got So Far to Go) August 24, 2009

Filed under: breakfast,dinner,recipes,seriousness — Holly @ 20:06
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I’ve been doing lots of contemplating over the past few days. That’s what happens when (a) I am sick and have too much time on my hands, and (b) I have too much time on my hands.  Queen of over-analyzing right here.  My mom likes to say that I always need some kind of drama in my life.  But what does she know…

Since I got my handsome new computer, I’ve been meaning to take all the stuff off my old computer and put it on to the new babealicious one.  Going through my old Word files, I found a bucket list I made at the beginning of college:


“Things to Do Before I Turn 30”  (which scarily enough, isn’t that far away!)

  • Swim with dolphins
  • Go skydiving  2006: Cairns, Australia
  • Study abroad  2004: London, England
  • Backpack around Europe  2007: England, Germany, Austria + France
  • Be on The Price is Right
  • Visit NYC + Los Angeles  2003: LA, 2008: NYC
  • Graduate from college  2007: Graduated w/ honors, BA Journalism
  • Learn photography
  • Be on a reality TV show
  • Take an unplanned road trip
  • Be an actress (in some way)  2006: Was the voiceover in a friend’s movie for film class
  • Live in a foreign country  2007-2008: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Steal a golf cart
  • Stay home and watch movies all day
  • Sleep under the stars  2004: Haversford West, Wales (with a babealicious dude next to me ;))
  • Eat everything and anything I want for a day  Many a day, many a day
  • Just be happy

This is the condensed version (the list was about twice as long as this – yes, I have the mind of a dreamer).  But looking at it, I often forget just how much of this I have already accomplished.  Sometimes, I forget to give myself credit for all the things I HAVE done.

So often we focus on what we haven’t done…ummm, I didn’t work out today!  Ughhh, why didn’t I eat the salad instead of that monster plate of pasta?  Shucks, why didn’t I take a chance and just say yes?

If you take anything away from this post, please take a moment and focus on all the good things you have or have done.  Because chances are, you’ve done a lot more than you give yourself credit for.  Case in point…

one of the most awesome things i've EVER done.

one of the most awesome things i've EVER done.


that cap and gown is fo real peeps.


told ya we backpacked - Frankfurt, Germany train station


turkey avocado sammie: the best sammie in the world from London's most hole-in-the-wall sammie shop


my house in Thailand...Mooban Buntarik (that's the name of my 'hood)

Yes, my list is heavily travel-focused (I channel Liz Gilbert when I say traveling may be the, “…the one true love of my life.”), but that is just me.  I’m sure everyone’s list will look completely different – heck, there are a couple things I would love to even add to the list:

  • Become fluent in Spanish
  • Pay off my credit card(s)
  • Live in the present (as much fun as planning future trips are…)

Take a moment, think of the good thangs and hold onto that positive love 🙂


The food is going to be highlight pics only (a.k.a. not all pictured), since this post got longer than intended – oops!


surprising delicious savory oats - oats, parm cheese, salsa + two eggs


ChocChip Trail Mix PURE Bar (alongside my celly, just to see that indeed, they are a bit small)

Pom Chobani + blueberries = berry heaven.

Pom Chobani + blueberries = berry heaven.


more Coconut-Crusted Tempeh Island Salad (check recipes for the link!)

and what is that?  a flower in my salad :)

and what is that? a flower in my salad 🙂

Alright, you knew this was coming…

What’s one awesome thing you’ve accomplished on your bucket list?  

Also, what is one thing you still have yet to accomplish?  Skydiving is probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever done, and one thing I really, really want to do is pay off my credit cards.  I know, lame.  Once they’re paid off, then I will go to Argentina.


In true K-style,

“I Know We’ve Come So Far (But We Got So Far to Go)” – Hairspray


49 Responses to “I Know We’ve Come So Far (But We Got So Far to Go)”

  1. leianna Says:

    Love the stealing a golf cart! I swam with dolphins once, AMAZING time!
    One thing on my list I accomplished was going to Europe. I’ve been to Ireland and Spain!
    One thing I want to accomplish soon is pay off student loans and a fun one is go to Hawaii!

  2. psychoj1 Says:

    Love your list! I don’t have a list like that, but I really should! So neat!
    ❤ jess

  3. Matt Says:


  4. keunger Says:

    Whohoo! Good job on the bucket list! Looked at all those cross offs!

    Thanks for reading my blog! I love finding new friends! (Well, technically, you found me…hah). Anywho – you have a fun life and I will continue to follow it.

    Bucket list accomplishment #1: getting married and buying a house: so simple but so satisfying and grown-up feeling.

  5. Evan Thomas Says:

    Woh. I don’t think anyone would ever deny that you’ve lived it up, and will probably keep doing so for many more years. I love the part about the price is right. I’ve watched that show quite literally as long as I can remember. Now that Drew’s the host though, being a contestant doesn’t seem as much as a thrill. Oh well.

    I DEFINITELY need to be on a reality show in my life time. Totally don’t care which one, but I’ve been obsessed with them for a while. I’ve seen every season of Survivor even though i was around 8 when it started. And Big Brother has zapped away more of my life then I’d care to admit. I could totally backstab my way to the top on either of those

  6. jenngirl Says:

    Such a positive message focusing on what you HAVE done! Congrats on everything, you’ve done some awesome stuff!!

  7. April (Foods of April) Says:

    Wow you’ve done some super awesome things! I guess my best accomplishment is completing nursing school by the age of 18 but other than that nothing exciting!

  8. I made a similar list back in high school. I can check off: have my photo taken in front of the eiffel tower, fall in love, and graduate from college.

    next up: read war and peace and get my own office at work (my cubicle doesn’t count!)

    your posts are always so thoughtful – love this blog!! 🙂

  9. You’ve accomplished so many awesome things!! I could never skydive!! I’m way too afraid of heights!

    I want to try the pomegranate chobani so bad!!

  10. lilveggiepatch Says:

    Oh, your list makes me so happy! You’ve done so much. And swimming with dolphins would be AWESOME.

    I’ve backpacked around Europe, which was pretty cool.

    I would LOVE to work on a farm some day!

  11. WholeBodyLove Says:

    You have had so much of an adventure already! I can’t imagine all of the fantastic things your life holds for the future!

  12. Lizzy Says:

    Girl you totally know how to live it up, and i’m lovin in! I have one of those mental bucket lists, but now i def intend to make one and actually write it out. Its so inspiring to read what others have done and or want to do! I would have to say that traveling is a MAJOR thing that will be on my bucket list, i want to see and do so many different things, and i also want to start just living life without any regrets or with no remorse, we live only once right, so why not just live it up and stop worrying about the little things!

    gosh love, you totally got me thinking! i love this post! 🙂 have a wonderful night babe!

  13. broccolihut Says:

    Deep question: If you ever were to be on The Price is Right, would you give Drew Carey a kiss?

  14. janetha Says:

    i am grinning ear to ear. serious. i love your list, i loved seeing your memories and accomplishments and i love YOU! turkey av is my fave ever. and london is also a fave of mine so that photo=love. savory oats! didja dig? hmm i never made a bucket list. really, i should have been more ambitious! but i did study abroad, backpack europe, get deported from canada… haha. um and i really want to get a bachelor’s degree someday. for sure. i am mad that i put school last but i did put life and travels first, so that is cool. XO!

  15. Love your list! And the travel pics! Make sure you don’t get caught stealing a golf cart… 😉

    The “thing” I’m working on right now is living in the moment. I am realizing more and more that it’s really all the little moments that make up life… (I’m old and boring….)

  16. Tay Says:

    Okay girl I am completely digging your list. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to make a list and never have. You’ve totally inspired me.

  17. Mia {runs and rests} Says:

    Girl, you’ve lived a fab life and the best is yet to come! Can you imagine that?! 😀
    I’ve climbed Mt. Fuji which was all I ever wanted to do here in Japan. Backpacking in Europe is something I’d really like to cross off my list.
    Love how this post and comments) are bursting with positivity! 😀

  18. I love this post! You’ve done a lot of cool stuff…and definitely knocked off a fair amount of stuff on that bucket list! The first thing I ever had on my bucket list (before I knew what a ‘bucket list’ was!) was winning a gold medal at the MOD (national Celtic festival) which I did 🙂 Still to do: visiting Australia and travelline around the US are on the top!

  19. Alison Says:

    The sky diving pic is by far my fav pic of this post! The grad one is fun too!

    I’ve run a marathon! (Hurry up and add that to your list so you can cross it off in just a few weeks.)

    Something I still want to do?

    Hmmm… maybe…. write a book?? That would be cool.

  20. Erica Says:

    I love this post- totally made me smile. I love that you want to be on the price is right (I always wanted to be on that show when I was younger!!/ I wanted to be one of the models hahah). Great eats- as per, especially the savory oats.

    One thing I’ve accomplished from my bucket list: ATV tour through the jungle in Mexico and jumping off a cliff into a pool of water in the middle of the ride

    One thing I want to accomplish: Build a house with habitat for humanity

  21. uncle tommie timbertoes Says:

    I wanna be in an Oprah audience with yer mom.

    It’s the big question, isn’t it, we humans can only seem to focus on what we don’t have when, really, all you have is all you need. It dosen’t make sense to appreciate what you don’t have more than what you do have, but we do it anyway.

  22. Abby Says:

    LOVE your list and hate that it makes me feel jealous, so next thing on my list–be happy with being me and don’t compare my accomplishments to others (as fabulous as they may be).

    I didn’t have an actual “list,” but knew I wanted to work for a sports team (interned with two in college), buy a house (did last year), be nationally published (every month now) and be a cocktail server (don’t ask, but it lasted the summer of my 21st birthday, and it was fabulous).

    I still want to find a job that gives me more creative freedom (and involves food, ideally) and time to give back more, gain 20 lbs and truly be someone’s best friend.

  23. Can I just say this is my favorite post EVER?????

    You’ve inspired me to make my own list. I absolutely love the idea! And you went skydiving? That’s my plan before I graduate next year. Love it! 😀

  24. justine Says:

    Love the bucket list and that skydiving pic is awesome!! So cool you have traveled so much. I love traveling and cant wait to do more of it. My husband and I have vowed to take one big trip a year. Look at your hood! How crazy! What did you live there for? I don’t have bucket list :(. Maybe I will one though 🙂


  25. ksgoodeats Says:

    You should be really proud of what you’ve done already – a lot of the things you’ve checked off I still have yet to do 🙂

    I think we should just take over the world! I ADORE traveling. It’s really the best way to learn anything (history, language, math, street smarts)!

    Hah, thanks for the link lovin!! One thing I can cross off is travel to Europe (I want to go back of course!) and I did something in my sport that I’m really proud of. One thing I have yet to do, flippin’ graduate! I’ll be the 83 year old with the cap and gown at this rate 😉

  26. DianaRae Says:

    Oh My Hollzzzz!!

    I just got the most giant smile on my face after reading that post! SKY DIVING IN OZ!!!! that was SUCH a blast!!!! You could have elaborated a little about the pervy men strapped to our asses, or the duct tape that held the plane together, or that after we fell through the clouds, you could see the great barrier reef – some important highlights!

    LONDON + the sandwich shoppe + hyde park = what heaven surely holds. HPG 4eva!

    And I may have to beg to differ with you on the fluent in Spanish item. If i recall correctly, mi comisura, at one point in time, you were a spitting image of Homero’s #1 senorita, fluent in the language of love. And I believe you also headlined in numerous spanish skits during class – so you can add SPANISH ACTRESS to your list of things accomplished. (PS, did we not perform a duet in Acting 101 infront of Jamal and Carrie Coon second semester freshman year? HELL-O!!!)

    We have had BLESSED lives! Thank you for reminding me to take a moment to stop an reflect on all the accomplishments & merriments I’ve experienced – and have been lucky enough to share with you!

    LOVE you you, and see you VERY VERY soon!!!

  27. Allison Says:

    You’ve definitely done alot and deserver major props for living life to the fullest!

    Aren’t spicy oats the best?!?!?! 🙂

  28. Jenny Says:

    oh hollz you’ve totes gotta hit up CT and come visit me at workie — i’ll def. hook you up with the golf cart!

    it used to be my dream to be on price is right but ever since bob barker left i just don’t have the incentive anymore.. he’s my man!

    one thing i’ve accomplished on my bucket list: graduating highschool top 10% of my class – always a goal of mine since my days of being a total nerd in middle school.

    have a great day hunski! xo

  29. brandi Says:

    love your list, especially the Price is Right one 🙂 that was definitely one of my dreams growing up! I was always right sitting at home and watching – I could have won so many showcases!

    one thing I HAVE accomplished: finishing a running race. I was never a runner, so finishing that first 5K was huge for me.

    Still on it? TonS! To travel everywhere. Have kids. Learn more Spanish. Give more of myself every day to something bigger than myself.

  30. specialkphd Says:

    I LOVE my 101 LisT! seriously ROCKS! Hey, I need your address girlie for my Share Yourself Giveaway…and if you can, tell your friends to join in: we’ve got Lara Bars, Chia Goodness, Pb2, Amazing Grass, Dr. Kracker’s, music, yoga pants! and Holly’s Homemade Goodies!

  31. Faith Says:

    Amazing! Your list is seriously impressive!

  32. Pam Says:

    I just found your blog and I LOVE it. You have a seriously impressive bucket list! You have accomplished so much already!

  33. WHAT!! You have a killer list with mayjuh accomplishments! I’m a hair jealous. Especially with the travel (love the Gilbert quote).

    Uhm, I don’t even have a bucket list. Maybe I should make one? Still on the list in my head: go to NYC, Greece, everywhere, live in Florence for a while, graduate college (one mo year!), get a tattoo in honor of my pups, find a real job immediately after graduating…I’m pretty happy with everything else for now. No clue what else I want, but you’ve really made me think!

  34. Christina Says:

    i love the list! my friend and I made one too! one was “go skinny dipping in the ocean at night” and skinny dip we did. not gonna lie- it was very freeing haha

  35. Angharad Says:

    I love your before 30 list. Unsurprisingly, mine would be full of travel-centric things too!
    What have I accomplished? Traveled “around the world” for 10 months backpacking. I dreamed it when I was 18 and did it when I was 22.
    What is yet to be done?
    I want to live in another country (preferably in south america) even if it’s only for 3 months and learn the language.

    How were the savory oats? Still need to jump on that but wasn’t in the mood this morning.

    LOVE the coconut crusted salads chica. Love you x

  36. what an enjoyable post! love the sandwich-noshing shot! 😛

  37. Sarah Says:

    That’s quite the list, girlie-o! But, how is it possible that you’ve never stayed home to watch movies all day?!? I feel like I do that once a month!

    My life goals list? I did a study abroad in Russia in 2007, so X that one off. I still want to run a marathon someday, though!

  38. Ha! I would LOVE to see you on some reality tv show. What kind of show did you have in mind?? Are you up for being america’s next bachelorette?!?! 😉

    And….not to sound like a broken record or anything, but your salad looks/sounds just divine!

  39. Low Says:

    Wow lady, you really have accomplished a lot! I love your list! I need to make one.

    I’m so glad you like the savory oats!

  40. Michelle Says:

    I think you’ve accomplished so many wonderful things! It’s interesting to see that some of the simpler things (stay in bed and watch movies all day) hasn’t been done yet, but skydiving has. 🙂 I like that actually, and shows that finishing up your list is right around the corner. I think that bucket lists are everlasting…you can add onto them forever, and why shouldn’t we!? Reach for your dreams!!

  41. glidingcalm Says:

    ahh I love this post and all of the wonderful pictures! You are gorgeous, Holly!

  42. […] (holly’s and angharad’s ramblings of how epic it is make me want to go there more than i already […]

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