The Healthy Everythingtarian

finding a better balance in exercise, food and life

Carbonation City June 23, 2009

Filed under: breakfast,dinner,lunch — Holly @ 19:18
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This morning I awoke to the sight of huge bags,
even a bowl of Tarjay Heartsmart would not ease the sag.
Topped with a banana and some slivered almonds too,
I headed to work looking like mondo poo.



My first Gingersnap Larabar perked me right up,
cinnamon, ginger and cloves – oooh just enough.
I stared at a screen most of my day,
killing a few brain cells while still getting paid.


Nothin’ like a little ‘cado to get me back on track,
paired with black beans and Ezekiel to be exact.
What a yummy combo I had to devour,
which only took me a mere fraction of an hour.



CVS called my name and boy did I answer,
if you didn’t know the sun is now in Cancer.
Carbonation city came rumbling in my tummy,
with the purchase of liquid crack – boy was it yummy!



My stomach ballooned out to three months,
no I’m not pregnant with a litter of runts.
I burped and burped all that fizz out,
before devouring my yogurt with a bit of a pout.



After work I headed over to my dear sister Katie’s,
where I devoured some chips thanks to that lady.
Along with a salad and a can of Diet Coke,
my stomach became six months bigger, this I don’t joke.




Thankfully I sipped some mint tea with care,
grabbed my Oikos coupons that Stonyfield shared.
Thanks to Kristina and the gang for my free tubs,
man those Greeks must have been rollin’ on dubs.


Uber-thick and creamy; that’s what she said,
I can’t wait to try this organic wonder and the 30-Day Shred.
Plain, vanilla, blueberry, strawberry and honey too,
this is going to make excellent bloggy eats, woowoo!




Thanks to Ms. LovIN for being my poem inspiration,
off to run 3 miles and sweat lots of perspiration.
Then perhaps off to bed to see Deb in the morn,
if I can get my arse out of bed without being forlorn.


Thanks for reading about yet another day in my life,
it ain’t always pretty and sometimes filled with strife.
I promise lots more goodness on the bloggy this week,
good night to all, I’m going to take a leak!


15 Responses to “Carbonation City”

  1. april Says:

    I love the poem!

    Ah carbonation is not my friend if you know what I mean! lol.

    Delicious sandwich as usual!!

  2. burpexcuzme Says:

    Wow. How do you do it? I suck in rhyming and poems.
    I had a BIG GULP from 7-eleven today. I was totally craving carbonation, too. Urk. Bad idea.

  3. Love the poetry…totally made me smile. 😀

  4. lynetteess Says:

    So funny – loved the poem!

  5. Katharina Says:

    That sandwich looks so yummy! Ezekiel bread is the bomb!

    Have you tried these Larabar flavors: Coconut cream pie and Peanut butter cookie?

    Nice A, A, B, B rhyming hehe 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful start to your day tomorrow.

  6. hahaha so cute!

    sorry the tum hurt! feel better tomorrow!

  7. Whit Says:

    hahahahahaha. I love the poem.

    perhaps tomorrow will be bloat and bag free!

  8. Alison Says:

    LOL What a riot! I’m a belly filling seltzer loving girl too!

  9. Kailey Says:

    i LOVE those Gingersnap Larabars. Im so mad my grocery store stopped selling them too!

  10. jenngirl Says:

    Hey! Glad I found your blog too, thanks for commenting on mine! Cute poem, so creative 😉

  11. brandi Says:

    ha, love the poem 🙂 that sandwich sounds great!

  12. ksgoodeats Says:

    I am LOVING the poem!! Too funny! I get the pregger belly when I drink carbonation too – kind of fun but I prefer a food baby 😉

  13. glidingcalm Says:

    haha you and mama lovin! too talented. if I tried, it would be embarrassing!

    FREE OIKOS! so jealZ!!!

  14. I also love seltzer water! The lemon-lime flavor tastes almost like 7-Up. Enjoy the Stonyfield Greek yogurts – soooo good!

  15. Tay Says:

    Carbonation is the devil!! But oh so yummy at times 😉

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